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In everything we do, we seek to protect our corporate information and with our customers, partners and interested public it is no different.


Your Personal Data is valuable to you and to us too and, therefore, we present in this Policy how it can be used.

Last updated: 25/06/2024

SENTNEL MONITORAMENTO LTDA., legal entity governed by private law, registered with the CNPJ under nº 40.202.841/0001-04, with headquarters at Avenida Professor Mario Werneck, nº 26, Room 1.102, Level 11, Estoril neighborhood, municipality of Belo Horizonte, State of Minas Gerais, CEP 30.455-610, hereinafter referred to as SENTNEL, provides this Privacy Policy (“Policy”), in compliance with the laws of Brazil.


No Personal Data is collected on our website through forms or Cookies.

However, we may collect your Personal Data through:


1.1.      Resumes: If you submit your professional resume through the "CAREERS" option in our navigation menu, we may collect data such as full name, email address, telephone number, professional training and previous experiences. Therefore, we ask that you only share this Data with us.

1.2.      Contact Channels: you can contact us through our official contact channels. For this purpose, we provide:



When contacting us through any of these channels, we may collect data such as your full name, email address, telephone number, company you represent and the message you send us.

We will only use this data to respond to your request in a unique and personalized way.

1.3.      Landing Page: you can access our landing page and provide your name and telephone number on the form to receive contact from us.


1.4.      Through Third Parties: we do not collect personal data through any source available to the public, service providers or even our partners.



In compliance with our relationship and current legislation, the rights over your Personal Data can be exercised at any time and in the following way:


  • Your Personal Data may be accessed, changed or deleted when it needs to be updated due to it being incomplete, inaccurate or out of date.

  • In the case of exclusion, definitive exclusion may occur after analyzing the need to keep the data stored to comply with a contractual or legal obligation, for the period necessary to comply with Brazilian legislation.

  • You have the right to request the sending of your Personal Data as it is stored in our databases.

Within the specific scope of the LGPD, you are guaranteed the following rights:

  • Access

Be informed about how your personal “data” is treated and about our treatment policy.

  • Correction

Request an update to your “data” due to being out of date, incorrect or incomplete.

  • Portability

Request that personal data about our processing be transferred to a third party indicated by you.

  • Elimination

Request that your “data” be deleted from our storage locations, except where required by law.

  • Anonymization/Blocking

Request that your “data” be subjected to anonymization algorithms or that this processing be suspended.

  • Revocation and its consequences

Revoke any consent previously given and be informed of any developments.

  • Opposition

Disagree and oppose the way we process personal data, as long as it does not comply with the General Data Protection Law.



Your Personal Data is processed, stored and manipulated on our national servers and/or abroad, in first-line providers, respecting all security standards and current legislation.


Consider that in the role of security and armament policies (security copy), your Personal Data is manipulated by our service providers, within the strictest information security policy, and can be transferred to different servers without the need for their prior authorization, to guarantee their secrecy, availability and confidentiality.




The Personal Data collected is used exclusively in a professional context to:


4.1. Evaluation of application for job vacancy


We will only use this data to evaluate your application for job vacancies offered by us and keep you informed about future opportunities within a period of 12 (twelve) months. Your Data will be stored in our talent pool and will be secure and will not be shared with third parties without your consent.


4.2. Get in touch


We will use this Data collected through contact channels to respond to your request in a unique and personalized way.


4.3. Compliance with current legislation


Your Personal Data may be necessary to comply with judicial, legal and regulatory orders, in accordance with what may eventually be issued by the competent authorities and bodies, as well as to protect our rights in judicial and administrative claims.


4.4. Statistics


Armed data can be used for statistical purposes. These data are grouped with the objective of allowing a macro analysis of the usage scenario of existing services, so that it is not possible to identify or make identifiable the holders of personal data.




5.1. Sharing with third parties and partners


Eventually, we may share your Data with third parties, partners and companies in the Group of which SENTNEL is part, in order to meet inevitable demands to meet our technical information security standards.


5.1.1. Information technology and content management service providers:


  • Cloud storage services;

  • Provider of access and hosting of our website;

  • Infrastructure maintenance and support services (servers and related);

  • Site support services;

  • Content designers and designers.


5.1.2. Government authorities and class councils:


  • Compliance with legal, judicial or administrative determinations;

  • Take legal, judicial or administrative measures to defend our interests foreseen in “politics”.


5.1.3. Other companies belonging to the Group


Companies and service providers of the STATUM Group;




We adopt the best practices in information security, aligned with the best technological standards, in addition to controlled processes to guarantee the protection of your personal data. All our controls are periodically reviewed and updated to ensure compliance with our policies and to guarantee the security and protection of your personal data.


However, we cannot guarantee that our services are completely safe and risk-free. What we can guarantee is that we have the best technologies and people designed to detect and provide immediate responses to any security incident that could compromise the integrity of your personal data.




We will retain your Data for a period sufficient to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected described in item 6.




8.1. Data governance


The Data Officer (DPO – Data Protection Officer), can be accessed at any time by email to meet demands related to queries and the protection of your “data”. Requests are responded to within a maximum period of 15 (fifteen) days.


8.2. Reports and complaints


If you feel uncomfortable with some of our policies, let us know, but if you prefer, you can send requests or complaints regarding the processing of your Personal Data to the National Data Protection Authority through the website: br/anpd/pt-br

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